
Merrian Genayas Waitress And cashier

Communication. Ability to Work Under Pressure. Decision Making. Time Management. Self-motivation.

Waitress for 6years in the restaurant industry in royal kruathai restaurant, in my 6years you must be responsible to the customer who are in dine in and make them welcoming like being a king and queen.


2010-2012 Hotel restaurant management at University of cebu

I can handle under pressure able to be trained

2010-2012 Hotel restaurant management at University of cebu

I choose this course i want to work abroad

2010-2012 Hotel and restaurant manangement at University of cebu

I choose this course i want to work abroad

2010-2012 Hrm at University of cebu

I choose this coures i want to work abroad


2012-2018 Waitress and cahiering at Royal krautahi restaurant

Ive been 6years in the reataurant industry its because i love my work