Preparing for your first Canadian job interview

Job interviews often make me nervous. Knowing that I am about to be interviewed makes me a little distressed. The emotions I feel can be described as thrilling and frightening at the same time. I wanted to settle down with a good job when I first came to Canada. I prioritized every interview once I became a permanent resident in the country as I wanted to land a good job.

Preparing for your first Canadian job interview

Start by doing thorough research of the company you are to be interviewed once you are called for an interview. Take your time and be informed about everything about the company. Learn about its history, what the company deals with and what your responsibilities will be once you are employed.

Be sure to go through the job description over and over so as to master your roles. No interviewer wants an ill-prepared interviewee; understand what is required of you and fully prepare yourself before you go for any job interview in Canada. One great way of preparing yourself is by reflecting on the times you had to use the skills the company requires. This will help you in the event that the interviewer asks you to give an example of the work you did in the past. The Canadian government will be of assistance if you feel that it is necessary to get your credentials evaluated before the interview you are looking forward to. The government will also help you if you want to perfect your English skills.

The internet is a great tool when you want to research about the company. LinkedIn is recommended when you want to learn more about the company and what it deals with. Create a LinkedIn account as it is resourceful especially when you are job seeking. Potential employers use the site to read about job seekers and what they can offer. You can easily get a dozen Tips For LinkedIn ebook that will come in handy when you create a LinkedIn profile.

Follow Prepare for Canada on LinkedIn to stay up to date!

Your wardrobe is key when going for an interview. Choosing the outfit of the day is a skill on its own. The clothes that you wear when you go for a Canadian job interview should be clean and ironed. Be neat and formal in whatever you wear.

Personal grooming is crucial. Do not wear excess perfume or cologne as this may distract the interviewer. Keep in mind that your purpose is to leave a good impression as you present your qualifications and experience.

Get informed on how you can successfully get your employment search in Canada by being part of the Job Search Strategies and Techniques webinar. Learn everything you need to know about job seeking in the Canadian job market. You are free to consult with the experts on any area that you are not familiar with.

At the interview

The first rule every interviewer should master before going for any Canadian job interview is to smile and be courteous to everyone. Some interviewers ask the receptionist in the building how you conducted yourself before stepping in for the interview. This is why you need to be polite to everyone.

Tips For Answering Behavioral Interview Questions

Switch off your phone before you step in the room. Forget your social media accounts for a minute and think about the Canadian job interview. Be still and focused.

Ensure that you have practiced eye contact as you prepared for the interview. Eye contact is very crucial as it will display the level of your confidence. Carry a copy of your resume when you go for the interview.

After the interview

Send a thank you email once the interview is complete. You can also list a few things that you discussed in the interview and send through the email. This approach is commendable as it shows that you are interested in the position you applied. The interviewer will remember you for this.