Avoid These 5 Common Resume Mistakes

Undoubtedly, we have all been in a position where we needed to hunt for a new position. And that’s when we have had to write our own resume or revise the existing one. But let’s face it! For some of us, it can be challenging to write a document explaining our backgrounds and experiences. And remember, the document should fit on one to two pages! At the back of your mind, you want this information to be the best and unique.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to a perfect resume. However, avoiding these five common mistakes can make your resume catch a hiring manager’s eye, thus getting you an interview.

1. Not Tailoring Your Resume

Want to boost the chances of your resume catching the attention of recruiters and hiring managers? Ensure you tailor the document to the specific role you are applying for. The application and interviewing processes are time-consuming, and hiring managers want to speed them up. So, begin by reflecting on your previous experiences through the scope of the specific position you are applying for. Then identify areas within the advertiser’s job description that match your expertise. Finally, remove all the extra fluff words.

2. Cutting Things Too Short or Going on Too Long

We understand that you don’t want to leave out essential information in your resume because it can influence a recruiter’s decision. But also, including too many details can lose their attention. Think about the most pivotal aspects of your previous roles. What positive outcomes did you have? Outline them without including every single duty in your previous positions. In other words, be concise and specific.

3. Unorganized Resume

Our research directed us to recent studies that found that job seekers have approximately six seconds to make an impression on a recruiter. So, it would be best if you organized your resume correctly. An organized resume means it is readable and will catch the hiring manager’s attention. Make sure this document has a clean and clear design and also features some free space.

4. Not Reviewing Your Resume Before Submission

We acknowledge that writing a perfect resume isn’t complete until you have reviewed your work. This mistake is common among many people. So, after confidently putting together the best resume, avoid submitting it before reviewing it in detail. For example, can you spot some spelling and grammar mistakes? Is the information in the resume precise and accurate?

If necessary, you can have a third party, like your friend or colleague, read through your resume before you finally submit it. This last step ensures your resume is error-free and thus ready for submission.

5. Leaving Out Keywords

Are you familiar with SEO? How about you treat your qualification summary as an SEO challenge? And how do you achieve that? We recommend using keywords that highlight your experience with a specific technology, software, etc. This trick will help you stick out from the crowd. Ask yourself, what are the relevant keywords coinciding with the open position description?

Bottom Line

The only shortcut to having the perfect resume is avoiding the mistakes we have discussed above. We all know that a good resume is vital for you to get that dream job. The proper use of language, balance between your professional achievements and work history, the correct formatting, etc., can help you gain the attention of employers.